abinash phulkonwar



Environmentalism is a broad social and political movement that seeks to protect and preserve the natural environment and its resources, including air, water, land, wildlife, and ecosystems.

It involves advocating for policies and practices that reduce human impact on the environment and promoting sustainable lifestyles that prioritize the long-term health and well-being of the planet.

Environmentalism can encompass a range of different approaches, from grassroots activism to scientific research and policy advocacy. Some environmentalists focus on raising public awareness about environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, and ecosystem destruction, while others work to develop and implement solutions to these problems.

At its core, environmentalism is driven by a belief that humans have a responsibility to care for the natural world and that the well-being of the environment is essential to our own survival and that of future generations. Environmentalism is closely linked to concerns about social justice, equity, and the long-term sustainability of human societies.

The Green Party is a political party that promotes environmentalism. Ecological sustainability is at the heart of Green Party ideology, which recognizes that the earth's resources are finite and that our current systems of production and consumption are unsustainable. The party advocates for policies that reduce our impact on the environment, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, conserving biodiversity, and reducing waste and pollution.

Deep ecology is a term introduce by Arne Naess to suggest that environmentalism, in its strongest incarnation, must have at its root a fundamental change in the way humanity defines itself as part of nature. Many environmentalists have advanced deep ecology as the philosophical foundation of authentic environmental policies.  When evaluating the environmental acceptability of human practices, deep ecology dose not restrict itself to asking what the effects on human interests are but asks what the consequences for all of nature are. Deep ecology therefore promotes a lifestyle that seeks to harmonize with nature.