abinash phulkonwar


Core Ideologies

  1. Sex is biological
  2. Gender is socio-cultural construct
  3. Biological determinism
  4. Attributes associated with female gender valued less
  5. Sexual division of labor

Patriarchy, Capitalism, and other social institutions allowed men to oppress women. These structures of male power over female should be overturned. 

Patriarchy produces a social system, where every sex assigned some specific expectations, call gender, which give upper stator to men and lower to women, produces conditions for women misery. 

Different stands

Liberal: Equal rights in public sphere/political rights such as voting rights, 19th century.

Radical: Patriarchy is root cause of women's misery, personal is political (who has the power of decision making in private sphere as in public sphere, politics is very where from family to state, decision making power who hold it), questioned hierarchical arrangement of masculinity and femininity, reproductive role, Universal sisterhood.

Socialist: Capitalism and private property root cause of women's misery. Unpaid work at home, treat women as something produce next generation of workers, workers become sleaves in workplace, women become sleave of sleave. Destroying capitalism will end this misery, it will destroy concept of nuclear family, enslavement, other factors contributing to women's misery. In commune, everyone will live equal, taking care of child's, concept of hierarchical gender role will end.

Black, Eco, Marxist, anarchist, revolutionary, cultural, multi-cultural, Dalit, many other stands. -> main theme, problems face by women across the world are not same.



  1. Rousseau: A discourse on origin of inequality- 1755
  2. Marry Wollstonecraft: Vindication of the rights of women- 1792
  3. J.S. Mills: Subjugation of women- 1869


  1. Simone de Beavoir: The second sex- women are not born but made- 1949
  2. Shulamith Firestone: The Dialectic of sex- 1970
  3. Kate Millet: Sexual politics- 1971


  1. Friedrich Engles: The origin of family, private property, and the state- 1884
  2. Sheila Rawbatham: Women, resistance, Revoluation and hidden form of history - 1943


  1. Fragmentation: from 20th century second half
  2. Disregard to multiple identity: In initial stages
  3. Didn't engage with men expect of liberals
  4. Instead of equality and balance advocated turnings every notion upside down
  5. Gap in theory and practice. Also, theory become fragmentated with time.