abinash phulkonwar



Socialism: Means of production are owned and operated by Society/state. Profit is used for social welfare and distribution on the principle of equity.

Socialism in Practice: Means of production are mostly owned and operated by state. Private property and enterprise regulated heavily, progressive taxation, welfare state- free or subsidized education, health care, social security, public facilities, income distribution to lessen inequalities.

Communism: Property less, classless, and stateless autonomous, self-governing co-operative community living where everyone works as per his ability and get as per his needs. Remained largely a utopia.

Socialism to Communism

A mode of production and consequent socio-political order in which means of production (land, equipment, technology, capital, entrepreneurship) are owned by society as a whole represented by state. Social ownership of means of production. Profit earned are socially distributed on the principle of equity. Society/state and not market decides what and how much to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

From Socialism to Communism:

Vision of classless, moneyless, propertyless, and stateless society wherein everyone lives as co-operative community life of bliss, contentment and happiness. From everyone as per his ability and to everyone as his need.

Socialism, Social Democracy, and Communism

AspectState SocialismSocial DemocracyCommunism
Means of ProductionOwned and operated by stateOwned and operate by individuals/private. entityOwned and operated by self-governing community
Private propertyHeavily regulatedAllowed/protectedNo private property
Role of StateAll pervasive- take all economic decisions, control all aspect of citizen's lifeWelfare state: Free/subsidized education, health care/ social security, employment guarantee, etcStateless, No state
Individual Freedom, democratic rightsLeast- no political choice, movement curbed, state dictate all other aspects of lifeHigh level of Individual freedom, democratic rightsState of bliss, complete freedom, equality, and rights
Erstwhile USSR, North Korea, China to some extentNordic nations- Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc.Largely remained utopic: "New Harmony" of Robert Owen, Kibbutz in Israel, communes in China