abinash phulkonwar


Public Administration

In practice, public administration is the means through which the government achieves its goals, aspirations, and objectives. Generally, administration involves managing the affairs of an organization. It is the collective coordination of efforts of a network of institutions, organizations, policies and programs of government to implement policies of government for welfare of people; to address challenges faced by the state and its citizens; strive to attain common goals; and act as an intermediary between the state and its citizens.

In academics, public administration is a field of study, encompasses many theories and practices to understand the administrative structure and processes of the government, how it connects with the public, and to finding new methods and practices to improve efficiency and effectiveness of public administration.

According to J.M. Pfiffner, “Public administration is the coordination of collective efforts to implement public policy.”

Approach to Public Administration

Approach is a way of looking at things. Which is different from theory, which in turn is based on some hypothesis. In public administration there are different ways of looking at things. One is mechanical; just look at the administrative structure or the organization; human relational approach, where look at the behaviors of the people of the administration.

Historical approach:

Study public administration through historical development that happened in the past, but also have implications for the present. In this approach administrative agencies look at a chronological order. It looks at historical events, checking whether it has implantation for the present. L.D. white, American Federal Administration, where he writes about federal form of government during American adoption of federal form of government. 

Another book is Introduction the study to public administration, 4 assumption (4 volume):

  1. Administration is a single process. It has uniform characteristics; it can be applied anywhere. But he didn't consider federal, state and municipality administration. His main focus was on the American management association.
  2. Administration has its base on management. According to him, study of administration should start from management not from law.
  3. Administration is an art, and it is transforming to science. 
  4.  Administration is and will remain at the heart of problems of modern government. It will always remain a crucial element of modern government.

Indian writers work in the historical approach: 

Kautilya arthasastra, we have in depth discussion how the state should function and the king should carry his duties.  (related to morain empire)

In The Mogul dynasty, there were curtain works on administration, Ziya al-dinbarani, he writes books on mughal administration, the main book is fatawa ye jahandari.   

Early work during British rule is also a source of historical approach. 

Legal approach:

Frank d. Goodnow, he emphasised law in administration, his book The Principles of the Administrative Law of the United States, Focuses on legal aspects of administration. He advocated the legal approach and rejected the separation of power approach. Because a clear cut separation of power between legislation and executive is not that possible,there are nuances in the understanding of the relationship between different branches of the government.The laws, the heart of administration are constitution law and administrative law and an administrator role is to go by this law and enforce these laws. Whereas previous approaches are more focused on managerial approach.

Institutional approach:

One of the earliest approaches (also includes above both ) to public administration. It emphasised on separation of power and formal relationship among the 3 branches of government. It is considered that the policy and administration are different. Political part of the government designs the policy and the administration carries out the policy. Their interlink is not considered. It is generalised and normative.

It is supported by the LD white, mony and rails. 

It has some overlaps with historical approach. Reason might be that when they write they do not write it from the point of view of a certain approach but scholars after that categorized them. 

System approach:

It considers administration as an interrelated and interdependent part. There is interdependence and interrelation between various parts. 

People's demands are input, polity are output, Feedback also becomes input. 

Inputs -> as people's demands 

Outputs -> as policies.

Feedback on the polices are also becomes Input

David Easton is one of the proponents.

Public Policy approach:

public policy approach amins at improving and understanding public policy, the system that makes public policies. This approach involves, political capacity of people, those it participatory and democratic in nature.

D. Lerner, H. Lasswell, H. H. Fisher formulated this idea through their book "The policy sciences: recent developments in scope and method."

This approach is a bottom-up approach. Peoples views, concerns and wants are get attention.  people's participation makes the policies more acceptable.

Political Economy approach:

Political economy approach is concerned with moving political science closer to economics, making administration inter disciplinary. Economists like Anthony Downs, Gordon Tullock applied this approach. This approach tries to understand how economy influence politics and policy. How economic development and growth impact on public policy; how delayed reforms in developing countries impact on public policy.  Basically, it tries to understand, how both interact with each other, both inter-link. 

Public Choice approach:

Emerges in 1960s, proponents are James Buchanan and William C. Mitchell.

It assumes that individuals can make rational decision regarding their demands. Individuals can act in their self-interest to maximize their profit or benefits. The government act in a manner, which consistent with the values of citizens.