abinash phulkonwar


Books Of Political Sciences

MacIver wrote ‘ The Modern State’ (State was simply one association among the rest)

Modern Constitution was written by K C Wheare

Modern democracies was written by James Bryce

Thomas Aquinas:

books: On Being and Essence, Summa Theologica

He gave the hierarchy of law.

C.B. Macpherson: The real world of democracy

Abdulhameed Kayode Agboola: Democracy in the 21st Century 

Joseph Stiglitz: ‘Globalization and Its Discontents’

Hegle: Science of Logic, ‘Elements of the Philosophy of Right(1820)’

Ernest Barker: Modern theory of nationalism, 'Social and Political Theory' (1951)

Herman Finer: The theory and practice of moder government

Edward Finer: 'The History of Government' - Comparative analysis of Government from earliest time

Alan J. Ware: ‘Political Parties and Party Systems(2003)’

Thomas Pain: Utopia, Rights of man - 1791

David Mitrany: Functional integration theory, ‘ The Functional Theory of Politics(1975)’

Thucydides: Melian dialogue (about 400 BCE)

Stephen D. Krasner: International Regimes (1983)

 Andrew Moravcsik:  Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Relations (1997)

Justin Rosenberg: The follies of globalisation Theory (2000),  The empire of civil society 

Andrew Linklater: Beyond Realism and Marxism(1990), ‘The Transformation of Political Community’ (1998), Critical Theory and World Politics (2007) 

Jean Bethke Elshtain: Just War Theory( 1991), New Wine in Old Bottles: International Politics and Ethical Discourse (1998), Women and War(1995) 

Christine Sylvester: Feminist International Relations: An Unfinished Journey(2001) 

Thomas Hobbs: ‘De Cive’ (On the citizen), ‘De Corpore’ (On the Body) , ‘De Homine ‘ (liberating Man) • ‘The Elements of Law’, ‘Natural and Politic’ • ‘Leviathan’- his seminal creation- social contract/sovereign

John Lock:  ‘A Letter Concerning Toleration’ • ‘Two Treatises of Government’ • ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding ‘• ‘Some Thoughts Concerning Education’. 3 principles of property-no wastage, sufficiency condition, lobour restriction

Friedrich Hayek:  ‘The Road to Serfdom’

Hobhouse: Proponents of social liberalism- social democracy.

‘wealth had a social dimension and was a collective product’

Books: Liberalism (1911), Social Evolution and Political Theory (1911), The Philosophical Theory of the State (1918)


David Hume: ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’

Jeremy Bentham: ‘A fragment on government’(1776); "Essay on Political Tactics"(1791)