abinash phulkonwar


CPET- Odisha

1. who said : "the study of politics concerns itself with the life of men in relation to organised states"

(i) Laski.

2. what can be defiend as broad, cultural, social or political initiative sustanined by the ethos of temporality of the new?

(i) Modernism.


Michael L. Morgan: Clasics of moral and political theory.

A. Vincent: The nature of political theory

3. who said: "Most debates over moral relativesim, misunderstand the importance of cultural relativism":

(i) Alison Dundes Renteln.

4. which is not related to 'Procedural Justice' :

(i) Secrecy in the processes.

related to:

Transparency action

Give opportunity for voice

impartial in decision making

5. President of india who was elected unopposed:

(i) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy.

He the only president who was elected unopposedly.

6. Article 21A was added to right to freedom in constitution of india by:

(i) 86th amendement.

7. 74th amendment act was effeccted from:

(i) 1st June, 1993

73th amendment from:

(i) 24th April 1993

8. Election Commission of India was formed on:

(i) 25th jan, 1950

9. Current National political party:

Aam Aadmi Party (add april 2023)

Bahujan samaj party



indian national Congress

National peoples party(NPP)

ECI, in April 2023, remove Trinamool Congress, nationalist Conpress Party, and CPI from national party list.

10. who said: "Comparative politics is the study of the forms of political organisations, their properties, correlations, variations and modes of changes":

(i) M. G. Smith.

11. who said: "The white race had reached the highist stage of civilisation, mainly through the mastery of science and technology":

(i) Frank Johson Goodnow.

12. who is introduceing the 'Citizen Charter initiative' in governance:

(i) John Major - 1991

in india I. k. Gujral - 1997

13. the urban government system under the colonial authority was initiated in British India inthe year:

(i) 1687

14. Budget that reflected both the input of resources and output of services for each unit of an organisation is called:

(i) Performance Budget

15. National Rural Health Mission was launched in india:

(i) 12 April, 2005

15. Kellog-Briand Pact (1928), known as Peace Pact of Paris:

USA, France, Germany

wat to be Outlawed(They don't going to war).

16. Atlantic Charter signed in Augest 1941 promised 4 freedoms(Roosevelt speech 1941):

freedom of speech

freedom of religion

freedom from want

freedom from fear

17. Bretten-woods instutions:


World Bank

ITO (international tread organisation): never commes into light

GATT: is not a Bretten-woods instutions. It is a UN originsation.

18. "An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation" written by:

(i)Jeremy Bentham

19. marx dialectical materialism:

(i) Social phenomena is applicaible to political life.

20. The law of Manu refers to one given below:

legal and moral treaties

21. who wrote - "Religion and temporal government are twins":


22. who authored 'Akbarnama':

Abul Fazal

23. Who emphasised on cultural unity and said that both istam and hinduism preach same thing but preach differently:

Akbar the Great

24. who said: "Education is manifestation of prefection already in man":

Swami Vivekananda