abinash phulkonwar


Concepts by

  • Theodore Adorno: ‘Culture industry’
  • Pierre Bourdieu: 'Culture Capital' 
  • David Held: ‘Cosmopolitan democracy’
  • Benedict Anderson: Print Capitalism
  • Charles Fourier: coined the term ‘Feminism’
  • Françoise d'Eaubonne: coined the term “Ecofeminism” in the year 1974
  • Samir Amin: coined the term ‘Eurocentrism’, book : "Eurocentrism", "Unequal development(1974)", Gave the concept of ‘ unequal exchange’ in global capitalist world order, Unequal development(1974)
  • Talcott Parsons: developed as Structural- functionalism
  • Louis Brandeis: coined the term ‘Scientific management’
  • Louis Althusser: Ideological state apparatus (ISA) as the tool of domination of the capitalist class
  • Bachrach and Baratz: Power as agenda setting and non-decision making
  • C. Rajagopalachari: “permit‐license‐quota Raj”
  • Samsung Edward Finer: ‘pressure group as anonymous empire’
  • Kurt Lewin: 3 step organization model of change, unfreeze, change, and refreeze
  • G.D.H. Cole: "political liberty without economic equality is a myth"
  • Rokken & Lipset: Cleavage theory
  • Otto Kirchheimer: coined Catch all party 
  • Edmund Husserl: Phenomenology