abinash phulkonwar


People Said about India and Indian polity

  • Atul Kohli: Indian state: “weak” and “captured”
  • Partha Chatterjee: Nationalism as “Derivative Discourse”
  • Myron Weiner:  “Politics of Scarcity"
  • Lloyd and Sussane Rudolph: India as ‘weak-strong state’, India as ‘Polymorphous’, demand vs command polity, India as ‘weak-strong state’, Bullock cart capitalism (In Pursuit of Lakshmi)
  • Rajni Kothari:  ‘incremental democratic modernization’
  • Kanchan Chandra: a Patronage-Democracy
  • Lant Pritchett:  a “flailing state.”
  • Pradeep Chhibber:  ‘Democracy Without Associations’
  • Morris Jones: Indian federalism as “bargaining federalism”, Emergence of “a market polity” in India, Single party dominant system
  • C. Rajagopalachari: “permit‐license‐quota Raj”
  • Granville Austin: "social document" as seamless web of 3 elements Social revolution, National unity and integrity,  Democracy. 
  • Ivor Jennigs: called DPSP as ‘Pious Aspirations’, “federation with centralizing tendency”
  • Morris Jones: Indian federalism as “bargaining federalism”, Emergence of “a market polity” in India, Single party dominant system


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