abinash phulkonwar



Related to Back ward class:

  • Kaka Kalelkar Commission - 1953: First Backward Classes Commission
  • Mandal Commission - 1979
  • National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) - was given constitutional status by the 102nd Constitution Amendment Act, 2018
  • G.Rohini Commission: Sub-categorisation of OBCs 

Center-State relations:

  • Rajamannar Committee - 1969: Set up by DMK Govt in Tamil Nadu 
  • Sarkaria Commission - 1988: Inter-Governmental Council should be established(under article 263), Article 356 (President’s Rule) should only be invoked under the most extreme circumstances and as a final resort if all other options have failed, The institution of All-India Services should be strengthened further, and other services of this type should be established, The residual legislative authority of taxation should remain with the Parliament, while the other residuary powers should be placed in the Concurrent List, When the president withholds his assent to the state bills, the reasons should be informed to the state government
  • Punchhi Commission- 2007: governor tenure should be 5 years and removed the process of impeachment by state legislature

Union Government:

  • Kapur Commission - 1966: Killing of Gandhiji
  • Khosla Commission-1970: Death of Subhash Chandra Bose, rejected any conspiracy and rumours of activities of Bose after the plane crash
  • Mukherjee Commission 2005: Death of Subhash Chandra Bose, rejected any conspiracy and rumours of activities of Bose after the plane crash


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