abinash phulkonwar


Committees of Indian government:

  • Swaran Singh Committee in 1976: recommended Fundamental Duties; which were inserted in part IVA through 42nd amendments-1976. 86th Amendments in 2002, inserted 11th duty- ‘the duty of a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be ward between the age of six and fourteen years’.
  • Sri Krishna Committee - 2017: Personal data Protection
  • Sri Krishna Committee - 2010: Situation in Andhra Pradesh  
  • Bhuria Committee: Extension of PRI to 5th Schedule areas
  • MM Punchi Commission: Centre-state relation
  • Union Government committee to Identify the creamy layer - 1993: headed by Ram Nandan
  • G.Rohini Commission: Sub-categorisation of OBCs

Electoral reform committee:

  • Tarkunde committee - 1974: EC 3 members, minimum Voting age 18
  • Dinesh Goswami Committee - 1990
  • Indrajeet Gupta Committee - 1998-1999

Anti-Corruption committee:

  • Santhanam Committee - 1964: CVC was set up in 1964 on the recommendations of the Santhanam Committee

Panchayati Raj in India Committee:

  • Balwant Rai Mehta Committee - 1957: to examine the working of Community development program (CDP), recommended 3 tier Panchayati raj system for rural India
  • Ashok Mehta Committee - 1977: 2 tier Panchayati raj system, 1st committee to recommended constitutional status PRI
  • Sadiq Ali Committee - 1964
  • L.M. Singhvi Committee - 1986
  • G.V.K. Rao Committee - 1985: grass without roots
  • P.K. Thungan Committee - 1988

Union Government committee:

  • Union Government administrative committee - 1993: headed by Home Secretary N.N Vohra, Nexus between politicians, criminals and bureaucrats. This committee was setup on the after math of Mumbai Boom Blast
  • NN Vohra Committee - 1993: examine the criminalization of politics.

Civil Services reforms committee:

  • Kothari committee -1964 - 1966: Advise guidelines and policies for the development of education in India
  • Y.K. Alagh Committee - 1979
  • Satish Chandra Committee - 1989

Reorganization of Delhi:

  • S. Balakrishnan Committee - 1987 (report 1989 ):  To implement the suggestion of the committee the 69th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1991 was passed which inserted Article 239AA in the constitution to confer special status to Delhi


  • Committee on Public Undertaking - 1964

Centre State Relation: 

  • Raja Munnar Committee 1969

Parliamentary committee:

  • Public Accounts Committee - 1921: oldest committee


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