abinash phulkonwar


Indian Constitution Articles:

  1. 15(3): Indian Constitution, the state is permitted to make special provisions for women and children
  2. 21: Roote of judicial activism 
  3. 22: A necessary evil 
  4. 31 B: Protect laws in 9th schedule from Judicial Review
  5. 32: heart and soul of the constitution
  6. 41: Right to work
  7. 43: Living wages for workers
  8. 43 A: Participate of workers in management of industries
  9. 44: Uniform civil code
  10. 60: Oath of the President of India, Preserve, protect and defend the constitution
  11. 67: No Impeachment required for removal of Vice President, a resolution of Rajya Sabha, accepted by Lok Sabha is required
  12. 72: President has the power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offence (Commes under judicial review)
  13. 74: PM and Cabinet 
  14. 75: The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President and the other Ministers shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
  15. 75 (3): collective responsibility to Parliament  
  16. 76: AG
  17. 79: Parliament of India
  18. 85(2): president situational discretion to dissolve the Lok Sabha
  19. 86: Right of President to address and send messages to both houses of Parliament
  20. 87: President addresses the joint session of Parliament. First day session of new General Election and First day session every year. no one Preside over it
  21. 99: Oath or affirmation by members Every member of either House of Parliament 
  22. 102 (1): Speaker has no power to disqualify legislatures for office of profit and other reasons mentions 102(1)
  23. 102 (2): Speaker has power to disqualify legislatures for anti-defection
  24. 105: Parliamentary Privileges 
  25. 108: Parliamentary Joint Sitting
  26. 109 and 110: Money Bill
  27. 110: defined Money Bill and speaker power to determine the bill as money bill
  28. 112: Budget which is a statement of estimated receipts and expenditure (general discussion, Vote on Grants, appropriation bill, Finance bill)
  29. 119: Indian Constitution states that Parliament may regulate by law the procedure of, and the conduct of business in, each House of Parliament in relation to any financial matter or to any Bill for the appropriation of moneys out of the consolidated Fund of India
  30. 121: prohibits parliamentary debate on the conduct of any Supreme Court or High Court Judge in the course of his duties
  31. 123: Presidential ordinance, 6 months and 6 weeks.
  32. 124: deals with the Establishment and constitution of the Supreme Court 
  33. 131: SC Original Jurisdiction
  34. 132: appellate jurisdiction
  35. 142: gives exclusive power to the Supreme court to issue order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it
  36. 143: SC advisory jurisdiction. Giving advices to the President on substantial question of Law 
  37. 144: Civil and judicial authorities to act in aid of the Court
  38. 148: CAG
  39. 156: Terms of Governor (Pleasure of President)
  40. 159: Oaths of Governor 
  41. 161: The advice of the State Cabinet is binding on the Governor in matters relating to pardoning power and governor  can't pardon in death sentence cases (Commes under judicial review)
  42. 201: Reservation bill by Governor for President assertion (no constitutional amendment needed)
  43. 214 - 231: High Court 
  44. 226: High Court has the power to issue or accept Writ for denial of any type of rights - include legal rights, constitutional rights and FR.
  45. 227: Power of HC to superintendent (administrative and judicial matters) over all of the courts and tribunals within their jurisdiction and territory
  46. 231: Common high court for two or more states
  47. 239 - 242: Union territories
  48. 239 A: Puducherry Legislative Assembly 
  49. 239 AA: Delhi Legislative Assembly
  50. 243 A - 243 O: Panchayati Raj 
  51. 243 P - 243 ZG: Municipality
  52. 243 A: Gram Sabha under Panchayati Raj System
  53. 246: division of power between the Union and the States
  54. 249: Rajya Sabha can make Act from state list by passing a resolution
  55. 257: Union may give directions to a State 
  56. 262: Parliament can make acts for river disputes  
  57. 263: Inter-state council
  58. 280: Finance Commission
  59. 292 - 293: Borrowing power of the center and state is controlled
  60. 312: Rajya Sabha can pass resolutions for creation of new all India public service common to both the Union and the States, and enables Parliament to create such a service by law
  61. 315 - 323: Public service commission
  62. 315: Public Service Commission
  63. 316: Tenure of members of public service commission
  64. 317: Removal of members of public service commission
  65. 324: Election Commission (all the elections expect of Local government and speaker of Lok Sabha conduct by election commission)
  66. 324(5): Removal of CEC and EC's
  67. 329: Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters
  68. 330: Reservation for SC and ST in the House of People
  69. 340: deals with appointment of a Commission to investigate the conditions of backward classes
  70. 341: President power to declare a caste/tribe as Scheduled Caste
  71. 352: National Emergency. 6 months at a time, unlimited (a 'safety valve' and a 'dead letter' by B.R. Ambedkar)
  72. 356: State Emergency. 6 months at a time and 3 years
  73. 359: Suspension of FR during emergency
  74. 360: Financial emergency  
  75. 365: State emergency if state refuses following direction of the union
  76. 368: Constitutional Amendments 



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