abinash phulkonwar


Ronald Dworkin


  1. Sovereign Virtue(2000).

Auction, Insurance, and Free Market, etc. are part of Ronald Dworkin’s theory of ‘equality of resources

This theory is contained in his book ‘Sovereign Virtue(2000)

Dworkin is considered as founder of ‘Luck Egalitarianism’- that is brute luck, social or natural, should not effect the distributive justice

He gave Rights as Trump.

Equality of Resources

Based on principles of Luck Egalitarianism

It constructs an Imaginary market procedure for distribution of resources in a society 

equal auction in Initial position: All ‘equal’ participate in fair bidding for resources of their choice

Fair Insurance market: Risk pooling or luck sharing for brute bad luck and option luck

It objected any interference of state; It was purely marked based arrangements.

principle of resource equalization

distributive justice that is often associated with the principle of resource equalization. Dworkin's approach to distributive justice focuses on ensuring that individuals have equal access to the resources and opportunities necessary for a meaningful life, while also recognizing the importance of individual responsibility and effort.