abinash phulkonwar


Principles of Organization as per M.P. Follet

Mary Parker Follett, a pioneering management theorist and social worker, proposed several principles of organization that emphasized the importance of collaboration, integration, and the human element in management. Her principles were focused on creating a more inclusive and democratic approach to organizational functioning. Here are some of the key principles of organization as per M.P. Follett:

  1. Principle of Unity of Direction: Follett emphasized the need for a unified sense of purpose and direction within an organization. She believed that all activities and efforts should be aligned towards a common goal, fostering a sense of unity and coordination.
  2. Principle of Coordination: Coordination was a central theme in Follett's principles. She stressed the significance of coordinating different functions, departments, and individuals to ensure a seamless flow of work and avoid conflicts or duplications. According to Follett, coordination should be achieved through a process of lateral communication, collaboration, and integration, rather than relying solely on vertical command and control.
  3. Principle of Integration: Follett advocated for the integration of diverse interests, viewpoints, and expertise within organizations. She believed that organizations should create an environment that encourages open dialogue, collaboration, and the pooling of knowledge and skills from different individuals and departments. Integration promotes innovation, problem-solving, and a sense of shared responsibility.
  4. Principle of Participation: Follett emphasized the importance of involving employees at all levels in the decision-making process. She believed that individuals who are directly involved in the work should have a say in the decisions that affect them. By encouraging participation and valuing diverse perspectives, organizations can tap into the collective intelligence of their employees and enhance their commitment and motivation.
  5. Principle of Circular Response: Follett introduced the concept of circular response, which suggests that management decisions should be based on a comprehensive understanding of the situation and should take into account the inputs and feedback from all stakeholders. Circular response encourages a dynamic and adaptive approach to decision-making, allowing for continuous learning and improvement.
  6. Principle of Conflict Resolution: Follett emphasized the constructive management of conflicts within organizations. She believed that conflicts should be seen as opportunities for growth and innovation rather than as problems to be avoided or suppressed. Follett advocated for a collaborative approach to conflict resolution, where conflicting parties work together to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Follett's principles of organization reflected her belief in the importance of human relationships, collaboration, and democratic principles in management. She emphasized the need for managers to foster an inclusive and participatory environment that values diversity, encourages open communication, and promotes collective decision-making. Her principles continue to influence modern management approaches, particularly in areas such as organizational behavior, leadership, and conflict management.