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Chester Barnard

Chester Barnard, an American management theorist, is known for his work on the theory of organizations and executive functions. He proposed several principles of organization that are considered fundamental to effective management. Here are the key principles of organization as per Chester Barnard:

  1. Unity of Command: Barnard emphasized the importance of each employee having a clear line of authority and receiving instructions from only one superior. This principle helps avoid confusion, conflicting instructions, and the dilution of accountability.
  2. Scalar Principle: The scalar principle highlights the existence of a hierarchical chain of command within an organization. It suggests that there should be a clear and unbroken line of authority from the top management to the lowest levels of the organization. This principle helps ensure a systematic flow of communication, coordination, and decision-making.
  3. Span of Control: Barnard recognized the need to define an appropriate span of control for managers. The span of control refers to the number of subordinates that a manager can effectively supervise and control. Barnard emphasized the importance of balancing a manageable span of control to ensure effective communication, supervision, and coordination.
  4. Cooperation: According to Barnard, cooperation is a fundamental principle of organization. He stressed the significance of mutual efforts, teamwork, and collaboration among individuals within an organization to achieve common goals. Cooperation helps create a cohesive work environment, fosters positive relationships, and promotes collective success.
  5. Authority and Responsibility: Barnard emphasized that authority and responsibility must go hand in hand within an organization. Managers should have the necessary authority to carry out their assigned responsibilities effectively, while employees should understand and accept their responsibilities. This principle helps ensure a clear distribution of tasks, accountability, and decision-making authority.
  6. Communication: Effective communication is a critical principle highlighted by Barnard. He emphasized the importance of clear and timely communication throughout the organization to ensure understanding, coordination, and effective decision-making. Communication facilitates the flow of information, instructions, feedback, and ideas among individuals at all levels of the organization.

It's important to note that Barnard's principles of organization were influenced by his belief in the cooperative nature of organizations and his focus on the executive function of managers. He viewed organizations as social systems where individuals willingly contribute their efforts towards common goals. His principles provide a framework for effective management and organizational design, emphasizing the need for clarity, coordination, cooperation, and communication within an organization.