abinash phulkonwar


How to Scale WebSocket services with Golang

🚀 WS Golnag: A Scalable Solution for Handling Large WebSocket User Bases

WebSocket services are a great way to provide real-time communication to users. However, as the number of users grows, these services can become slow and unreliable. This is where WS Golnag comes in.

👨‍💻 WS Golnag is a scalable WebSocket service designed to handle large user bases. The system consists of two components: Node and Master. The Node component acts as the WebSocket server that handles TCP connections, while the Master component manages the Nodes and user data.

📩 When a user connects to a Node, the Node sends a request to the Master to store the user's data. When a user sends a message to another user, the connected Node checks its internal cache to determine if the other user is connected to the same Node. If the other user is connected to the same Node, the message is sent directly to that user.

📤 If the other user is not connected to the same Node, the connected Node checks the other users' cache. If the cache contains the other user's data, the Node sends an event to the other user's connected Node about the message, and that Node sends the message to the user.

🕵️‍♂️ If the other user's cache is not found or is invalid, the connected Node sends a request to the Master, which returns the user's connected Node data. The Node caches this data and then sends the message event to the other Node for delivery to the user.

🚀 This efficient caching and distributed architecture make WS Golnag an effective solution for handling large numbers of WebSocket connections. It is fast, reliable, and can handle thousands of connections simultaneously.

💻 In conclusion, WS Golnag is an excellent solution for anyone looking to build scalable WebSocket services. Its architecture is designed to handle large user bases, and its caching system ensures that messages are delivered quickly and reliably. If you're interested in learning more, check out the GitHub repository for more information. 🌐